Sunday, October 9, 2011

Strong Willed Children

I have a strong willed child, and may I say that I am thrilled.  

There was a time when I saw a child throwing himself on the dirty floor of Walmart screaming that I would shake my head and think "That mother needs to take control of the situation."  Now... there has been more then once that I have purposely caught the eye of the mother and told her "I have one of those at home. You are a good mom.  Don't give up, he'll get it one of these days." Then we both sigh, and move on down our aisle.

Strong willed children are a totally different breed of humans.  You discover that particular trait at oh... 3 days old maybe.  Sometimes it's 3 months.  When you think they should be full and they SCREAM at you for more and don't give up until they get it.  Or when there is a medical procedure to be done and they SCREAM at the nurse for daring to poke them with a needle!

My mother gasped when my Aunt Mary prayed for a strong willed child.  There are people who look at me in pity and sometimes judgement when I say that we have battled Kaiden for over 3 hours in the middle of the night to stay in his bed.  It's especially difficult this week when he is turning 2 next month, teething, and growing at the same time.

However...  I am thrilled!  Look at the amazing things a strong willed adult can do!  They don't take no for an answer, they go when the going seems impossible.  It takes a strong willed farmer to plant after 2 years of crop failure, or a strong willed missionary to penetrate the Amazon.  An executive must be strong willed to revive a dying company, or a surgeon to operate for 18 hours to save a life.  You must be strong willed to pray for 50 years for a son who has wondered the path.  Paul, Daniel, Isaiah.. they were all strong willed.  Never say die, never give up.

Yes, it is the most exhausting thing I have ever done... mother this child.  There are days I go to bed in tears, there are times I stare in wide eyed wonder at this little bundle of determination.  

However you are my joy, Kaiden Isaac Pollard.  You will laugh in the face of adversity and go marching out there with God at your side and strength in your belly.

Raise your chin dear mothers, tighten your belt.  Be consistent, one day they will get it.  Stephanie, Christine, Luci, Elizabeth...  and all the rest of us; be glad, rejoice in their passion. We are raising a generation of movers and shakers and I can't wait to see where this road of life takes them!!

1 comment:

Jess.Pollard said...

will you please write more often! I love reading your words. See you tomorrow, my dear friend.