Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Quote of the day

Here's my favorite quote of yesterday from Elyana: "Mom, did you know that when I talk to God HE never tells me he needs 5 minutes of quiet?!"

And from today: "Mom, I told God to send Jesus on down here, because I want to see what He looks like!"

Sometimes as a mom you wonder if you are doing anything right, and is it really getting through? Then they say stuff like this. Oh yes, and last week I overheard Elyana telling Gavin the whole God message - how Jesus died for our sins because He loves us more then anything, and we can just ask Him into our heart, and then when we die we get to go to Heaven!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Life is like a box of chocolates... it sure is yummy!

Been a long time since I rambled on about nothing on here. Reason being that there really isn't anything to say when you are pregnant and you don't want people to know yet as your life still revolves around being pregnant! Whew! made it to the 12 week mark without ONE trip to the ER or an emergency visit to the doctor. This is my 4th pregnancy and the 1st time that happened. Yaya! The 8th week was the hardest, I kept waking up at 3am scared to death I was going to loose the baby again.

This weekend was really hard as I was due on Friday with that one. Weird to think that there should be a baby screaming in the house and there is not. Also weird that there is no grave to visit. Nothing except a sonogram picture and dreams.

On a lighter note, our LILAC BUSH IS BLOOMING! Wow, the fragrance is just amazing and the bush is still quite small. It's right outside my master bath window, so instead of spraying terrible smelling room fragrance spray, I just open my window. Lovely!

Dave commented tonight that Gavin's life is like a pin ball machine. So very true! He is not ADD, however there is just so much to do and the day is just too short to do it all. Busy, busy, busy. He makes me laugh all day long, which is really bad sometimes as he will be naughty then just make me laugh to get out of being punished. Tonight I prayed over him as it was my turn to put him to bed. Asking God to help me teach him grace and God's gentle side as well. Gavin looked at me and just laughed! He's so cute though as he closes his eyes and says "Night night God. I wuv you."

Tonight for the first time in 10 weeks I enjoyed a cup of coffee. Got pregnant and so very sad I couldn't stand coffee! It's one of the loves of my life...

Life is so good. It's so full. Some things in our family right now are so sad, but yet it's just a part of the fullness. Watching God do things is very exciting!