Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Moving Saturday...

Very sorry for the lack of communication, but things have been way too fast and furious. Should slow down soon. We are done working on the house (for now), and move Saturday. Our phone number will stay the same though.

Elyana's room is now pink on the top 2/3 and purple on the bottom. Soon we will get a chair rail put up. I ordered 6 butterflies of various sizes and colors to hang from the ceiling in one corner above her bed. :)

Our room is off white with one wall a dark dark burgandy. Our bathroom, living room, and hallway are off white as well. The kitchen and dining room are a very sunshiny pale yellow. Gavin's room I just washed down the walls, and it is staying white for now.

Today I mopped the hard wood floors and tile in the kitchen by hand. I changed my water three times!! Granted it's a very large area, but STILL! I don't believe the people that lived there cleaned very well. (They were old and sickly) We moved the fridge and stove out to paint behind them, and the floors underneath... PLEASE everyone do this earth a favor and clean behind your fridge and stove at least once every 5 years. gag.

Anyway, our house is now sparkly clean and freshly painted. :) We're very excited. Next Sunday we celebrate Elyana's 4th birthday and Dave's mom's birthday too. Elyana's birthday was the 1st, but we waited so we could celebrate in our new house! She has already gotten her boxes from Grandpa's and Uncle Jalon's. Very thrilled she was. She also got some money and bought some Calico Critter's (the mousy family and their bedroom set) with it. She wants to save her allowance to buy the house too. Yikes! That's a lot of saving.

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