Saturday, August 23, 2008

We've Moved, We've Settled, We're Home...

Finally the boxes are all unpacked and it is starting to feel like home. I'm so thankful that we get to live here. It's not huge, but yet not tiny. For Elyana's birthday we had 9 people here and we ALL got to sit at the table and not feel crowded!

Speaking of that, she is now four years old. Where does time go? And she's getting all these cute little tiny toys for gifts. I have to resist the impulse to say "You're going to loose that" or "don't put that in your mouth" because she won't. She's the most organized little grown up thing.

Tomorrow we go to a new church. Sigh. I hate starting new churches, but it is too far to go to our old one. Dave and I have compromised and we will go every-other Sunday. The inbetween Sundays we'll probably go up to Junction and hang out with his family. The fun part is his brother and his wife are going to do the same thing.

Monday Elyana starts Gymnastics. :)

Now that the dust has settled it's hitting me a little that I live in a town where I know just a few relatives and that's it. A little lonely...

HOWEVER there is a Target and an Applebees here...

BTW... My new business is online and I'm scared stiff that nothing will sell. The verse keeps going through my head something about we plant, but GOD makes the increase. I'm trying hard not to be nervous, and just have faith. For Bible Story in the evening with the kids we are currently reading through how Israel doubted God every other minute, and I don't want to be like that.

If you know anyone who is pregnant or just had a baby:

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