Friday, March 14, 2008


My children are seriously the happiest children in the world. This laughing face I see all day! :) Elyana usually greets me in the morning with "MOMMY it's a BRAND NEW DAY!" Which is why I love time change. For a couple blessed weeks they sleep in until 7:30 or maybe 8:00. wow... A few minutes to myself.

I should be exercising in the mornings, but I hate hate hate working out to a video. They are so incredibly boring. And then you have to take a shower and there are two little critters who really don't want you in the bathroom for that long. It's much easier to get up, get ready, start my day, then after lunch load them into a stroller and go for a long jaunt in the fresh air. Hey, with both of them and the stroller it's a combined weight of 70+lbs. That has to count for something right!? I must be as strong as an ox though as we walk every day for at least an hour and it doesn't do much of anything to the number on the scales.

One more month of tax season. Last night I planted 160 gladiolus bulbs, and 80 daffodils; today I have to finish with the 80 daffodil bulbs I have left. I am so ready for spring. Today I am wearing capris and a t-shirt, even though it's projected to be all of 39 degrees and raining today. Ha!

I bought a BOZ preschool activity book for Elyana. It has 25 lessons, each with 5 activities. We do "school" every morning now. She loves it! I'm pretty proud of her. She is three and already knows all her colors, shapes, most of her letters, numbers... We go back and forth wether to homeschool or send her to a Christian private school. The latter option is very expensive, but I think she would just love the whole "school" thing. I did. Either way this fall we are putting away tuition money every month so that if we do send her to school we can prepay the whole year. Yikes!

Gotta go get my coffee...

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